


日本の多胎の妊婦さん用の「子ども手帖」、ダウン症のお子さまを育てておられるご家族のための「+Happy しあわせのたね」、医療的ケアのお子さまを育てておられるご家族のための「かけはし架け橋ノート」と「ケアラーズノート」、そして低出生体重のお子さまをそだてているご家族のための「リトルベビーハンドブック」をご紹介させていただきます。

Programme 4th MCH Handbook webinar, the last webinar of the year!
The fourth webinar of the MCH Handbook is scheduled for the 4th of November 2021 (12.30pm-2.30pm CET). Theme of the 4th Webinar session:
‘No one left behind’ MCHHandbook for parents with a premature child or children who are born with special conditions.
The webinar programme for November 4th is as follows:
12.30 Welcome by Prof. Arnoud Verhoeff and Anneke Kesler (Moderators)
12.35 Opening Message by Mrs. Simone Kukenheim, Alderman of the City of Amsterdam
12.40 Presentations about the MCHHandbook:
*Dr. Marit Recourt about the MCH Handbook ‘Born too early, too light or sick’ from the Netherlands
*Mrs. Akemi Bando about the different MCHHandbooks of Japan
*Asst. Prof. Yang, about Little Baby Handbook of Taiwan
13.25 Open Forum
13.40 Keynote Lecture: Prof. Yasuhide Nakamura, Japan
14.05 Open Forum
14.20 Summary and Learnings by Dr Mbambole Grâce Alake, Cameroon
14.25 Announcements
14.30 End of session

We will send you the Zoomlink & YouTubelink on Monday November 1st.

We are looking forward seeing you once again online on the 4th of November.

Kind regards,

MCH local organizing committee
Anneke Kesler